“Waterfront hits its stride” By Brian McGroryJun 22,2011
“…People. Everywhere, people, people walking, people sitting at outdoor cafes, smiling, happy people…”
Check out this Great Article by The Boston Globe’s Brian McGrory…
“It was strictly out of pity that I pointed my car toward the South Boston Waterfront Sunday night to trade a few coins for clams at the massive new Legal Sea Foods complex. Poor Roger Berkowitz, I figured, had eaten so much mercury-tainted swordfish that he had completely lost his mind.

A very busy bar at Temazcal. Image courtesy of, facebook.com/temazcalcantina
I mean, who builds three restaurants with 700 seats under one roof hard by an industrial park in a corner of Boston where precious few people actually live?
As I pulled up, something unusual caught my eye — people. Everywhere, people, people walking, people sitting at outdoor cafes, smiling, happy people. Then the nice hostess at Legal glanced at a computer screen and announced, “It’ll be about a 30- or 40-minute wait.’’”
Read more and learn what the fuss is all about, Click Here.
Thank you Brian for giving the Boston Waterfront its due!
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