The Liberty Wharf DocksMay 10,2011

MARINA PHONE NUMBER: (617) 999 – 5996
THE DOCKS ARE OPEN ON MAY 21st, 2011. For more information, click here.
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Hello Boating Enthusiasts,
There has been much interest and many questions regarding Liberty Wharf’s docks. We are currently working on implementing the dock staff as well as the online slip reservation system. As soon as the docks are open for visitors, all information regarding operation will be available on this website in the “DOCKS” section of the site. We will also post here (on the blog) as well as our facebook page to alert the public that the docks are open. If you would like to notified when operation begins, please subscribe to the blog or become a “fan” of our facebook page.
Thank you all for your patience!
LW Director of Social Media
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